Lower Limb

Lower Limb

Regions are: General, Pelvis and Hip, Gluteal, Thigh, Knee, Leg, Ankle and Foot

ExamVivaSecondary TopicsRegion
2007-1Dermatomes 2007-1 General
2018-2-BMyotomes 2018-2-B General
2006-1Myotomes 2006-1Femoral nerveGeneral
2004-2Myotomes 2004-2 General
2010-1Venous drainage 2010-1 General
2003-2Hip Joint 2003-2 Pelvis and hip
2012-1Hip Joint Stability 2012-1 Pelvis and hip
2007-2Hip Joint Stability 2007-2 Pelvis and hip
2017-2-DInguinal Canal 2017-2-D Pelvis and hip
2016-1-CPelvis 2016-1-C Pelvis and hip
2013-2-DPelvis 2013-2-D Pelvis and hip
2010-2Pelvis 2010-2IliopsoasPelvis and hip
2010-1Pelvis 2010-1Lateral Rotators of FemurPelvis and hip
2005-2Pelvis 2005-2Sciatic NervePelvis and hip
2008-1Pelvis XR 2008-1Hip flexorsPelvis and hip
2008-1Pelvis XR 2008-1Hip ligamentsPelvis and hip
2013-2-BGluteal Region 2013-2-BGluteus Maximus, Sciatic NerveGluteal Region
2012-2Gluteal Region 2012-2Sciatic nerveGluteal Region
2010-2Gluteal Region 2010-2Sciatic nerveGluteal Region
2007-1Gluteal region 2007-1Sciatic NerveGluteal Region
2012-2Femoral artery 2012-2 Thigh
2004-2Femoral nerve 2004-2 Thigh
2019-1-CFemoral Triangle 2019-1-C Thigh
2017-2-CFemoral Triangle 2017-2-C Thigh
2016-2-CFemoral Triangle 2016-2-C Thigh
2014-2-DFemoral Triangle 2014-2-D Thigh
2009-2Femoral triangle 2009-2 Thigh
2008-1Femoral triangle 2008-1Femoral arteryThigh
2006-1Femoral triangle 2006-1Femoral arteryThigh
2005-1Femoral triangle 2005-1Femoral arteryThigh
2017-1-DFemur 2017-1-D Thigh
2015-2-DFemur 2015-2-D Thigh
2015-1-BFemur 2015-1-B Thigh
2013-1Femur 2013-1Blood supplyThigh
2010-2Femur 2010-2Adductor musclesThigh
2010-1Femur 2010-1Blood supply, capsuleThigh
2005-1Femur 2005-1Blood supply, capsuleThigh
2014-2-CPosterior thigh 2014-2-CSciatic nerveThigh
2006-1Posterior thigh 2006-1Sciatic NerveThigh
2014-2-AProximal femur 2014-2-AFeatures, blood supply, femoral nerveThigh
2012-1Quadriceps 2012-1 Thigh
2017-1-BKnee 2017-1-B Knee
2015-1-CKnee 2015-1-C Knee
2014-1-DKnee 2014-1-DStabilityKnee
2011-1Knee 2011-1Ligaments, MovementsKnee
2009-1Knee 2009-1Ligaments, MenisciKnee
2008-1Knee 2008-1LigamentsKnee
2006-2Knee 2006-2Stability of Patella, QuadricepsKnee
2006-1Knee 2006-1LigamentsKnee
2005-2Knee 2005-2Ligaments, StabilityKnee
2004-2Knee 2004-2CapsuleKnee
2004-2Knee 2004-2StabiltyKnee
2003-2Knee 2003-2MovementsKnee
2016-2-DKnee Joint 2016-2-D Knee
2017-2-CKnee Ligaments 2017-2-C Knee
2012-2Knee XR 2012-2StabilityKnee
2006-1Knee XR 2006-1CapsuleKnee
2003-1Knee XR 2003-1Stabilty of PatellaKnee
2016-1-DPopliteal fossa 2016-1-D Knee
2008-2Popliteal fossa 2008-2Common Fibular NerveKnee
2011-2Anterior compartment of leg 2011-2CompartmentsLeg
2010-1Common fibular nerve 2010-1 Leg
2011-2Fibularis Muscles 2011-2 Leg
2009-1Fibularis Muscles 2009-1 Leg
2012-1Lateral Compartment of Leg 2012-1CompartmentsLeg
2004-2Long saphenous vein 2004-2Tibial nerveLeg
2016-1-BLower limb compartments 2016-1-BCompartmentsLeg
2006-2Muscles of leg 2006-2 Leg
2003-1Muscles of plantarflexion 2003-1 Leg
2015-2-DPosterior compartment of leg 2015-2-DCompartmentsLeg
2012-2Posterior compartment of leg 2012-2CompartmentsLeg
2012-1Posterior compartment of leg 2012-1CompartmentsLeg
2011-2Posterior compartment of leg 2011-2CompartmentsLeg
2005-2Posterior compartment of leg 2005-2Compartments, Tibial NerveLeg
2003-2Sensory innervation leg and foot 2003-2 Leg
2016-2-ATibia 2016-2-A Leg
2013-1Tibia 2013-1 Leg
2008-2Tibia 2008-2 Leg
2008-2Tibio-fibular joint 2008-2Common Fibular NerveLeg
2016-2-CAnkle 2016-2-C Ankle and foot
2014-1-CAnkle 2014-1-CStabilityAnkle and foot
2008-1Ankle 2008-1Ligaments, flexor retinaculum, foot bonesAnkle and foot
2007-1Ankle 2007-1Nerves, VesselsAnkle and foot
2012-1Ankle bones 2012-1LigamentsAnkle and foot
2010-2Ankle bones 2010-2Flexor retinaculumAnkle and foot
2009-2Ankle bones 2009-2LigamentsAnkle and foot
2010-2Ankle dorsiflexors 2010-2Deep fibular nerveAnkle and foot
2011-1Ankle ligaments 2011-1 Ankle and foot
2006-1Ankle ligaments 2006-1Stability, ligamentsAnkle and foot
2012-2Ankle XR 2012-2LigamentsAnkle and foot
2009-2Ankle XR 2009-2 Ankle and foot
2006-1Ankle XR 2006-1Stability, ligamentsAnkle and foot
2005-1Ankle XR 2005-1LigamentsAnkle and foot
2003-2Ankle XR 2003-2Capsule, ligamentsAnkle and foot
2007-2Flexor retinaculum of ankle 2007-2Tibial nerveAnkle and foot
2017-1-AFoot 2017-1-A Ankle and foot
2014-1-CFoot 2014-1-CExtensor retinaculum, cutaneous nerve supply, dorsalis pedis arteryAnkle and foot
2009-1Foot arches 2009-1 Ankle and foot
2012-2Foot bones 2012-2DorsiflexorsAnkle and foot
2015-1-DFoot nerves 2015-1-D Ankle and foot
2011-1Foot sensation 2011-1DermatomesAnkle and foot
2017-2-CFoot vasculature 2017-2-C Ankle and foot
2013-1Foot XR 2013-1MovementsAnkle and foot
2005-1Great toe 2005-1 Ankle and foot
2007-2Inferior Extensor Retinaculum 2007-2 Ankle and foot